People are exposed to a wide variety of stresses throughout their living environment: Whether at work, in the city, or within the confines of your home, geopathic stress, electrosmogElectrosmog, also known as electromagnetic radiation, refers to the non-ionising radiation generated by electrical and electronic devices and wireless communication technologies. These include high-voltage power lines, mobile phone masts, WLAN,..., environmental toxins, pollutants, or mould can impact our organism in various ways. Humans and animals can react in different ways to the same stresses. While one is affected by the home environment, the other is affected by the work environment, and children may be affected by the school environment. The same applies to pets or farm animals in stables.
With the Duplex IV professional, we have developed a biofield formerBiofield formers create a biofield in which the organism can regulate itself despite the presence of geological disturbances. Biofield formers are designed to be bipolar in order to cope with... that can be customised to the individual stresses encountered in our living environment. Using a Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0, a saliva sample from each person and animal residing in the household can be employed to test a comprehensive set of 189 building biology resonance values. The results of a complete range value testThe range value test is the personalised test in Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt and is used to determine energetically disturbed fundamental frequency values in the organism. A frequency band..., the energetic fingerprintThe energetic fingerprint is made up of the fundamental frequency values required to support the organism's own regulation at the time of the energetic test. of the whole family, can also be transferred to the Duplex IV professional. The individual resonance values are determined using the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 or Rayocomp PS 10 bioresonance devices and then transferred to the Duplex IV professional using the programming cable. The result is a personalised biofield former for the entire family.