The 5G5G is the fifth generation of mobile phone technology and promises a significant improvement over 4G, also known as LTE. It offers faster and more reliable data transmission with low... mobile communications standard was introduced in 2019 and has been gaining in popularity ever since. The mobile communications standard is based on so-called ?beamforming?, which means that the transmission beam of the antennas is directed towards the mobile phone of the person using it. The Mini-Rayonex 5G is our response to the increase in 5G radiation exposure. Our aim was to find a mobile solution that would help the organism to cope with this 5G radiation. To achieve this, the fundamental frequencyThe frequency describes the number of oscillations per second and is given in the unit Hertz (Hz). An oscillation passes through various points: The starting point, the maximum point, the... value of 12,50 was integrated into the biofield formerBiofield formers create a biofield in which the organism can regulate itself despite the presence of geological disturbances. Biofield formers are designed to be bipolar in order to cope with.... This has a positive effect on cellular processes. The Mini-Rayonex 5G also contains the fundamental frequency value which, in our experience, is required when you are exposed to a 5G network.
Designed on the proven principles of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, the Mini-Rayonex 5G is ideal for anyone interested in healthy living. At 130 g, it is compact and light enough to fit in any pocket and is easy to wear close to the body for round-the-clock use. The beautifully designed device is resistant to temperature fluctuations or moisture, easy to clean and works without a power supply. This not only eliminates the need to charge or change batteries, but also prevents the organism from being exposed to electrosmogElectrosmog, also known as electromagnetic radiation, refers to the non-ionising radiation generated by electrical and electronic devices and wireless communication technologies. These include high-voltage power lines, mobile phone masts, WLAN,.... The robust and durable Mini-Rayonex 5G is also highly sustainable.