Rayo®-Aqua Complete

Made of solid ash, with WMF® glass carafe

  • Proven by studies: energising water with the Mini-Rayonex
  • Practical set consisting of Rayo®-Aqua basic and WMF® glass carafe
  • Made of solid ash wood
  • Elegant design
  • Easy to use

Art. no.: 80006 Category:

Transfer and store the frequencies of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt in water: As part of a cell biological investigation, it was possible to prove that this is exactly how it works and that water can be energised. What’s more, it was demonstrated that water can store the frequencies emitted by a Mini-Rayonex when the water is brought into close proximity to the Mini-Rayonex. The energised water can in turn release the stored frequencies to the cells and thus stimulate them. The cell biological investigation has also shown that the energised water leads to significant improvements in cell regeneration. (Please note that cell biological investigations cannot be transferred 1:1 to the human body.)


How can you easily and conveniently energise your water?

The Rayo®-Aqua basic made of solid ash wood has a built-in dipole antenna system for energising water. In addition to the Rayo®-Aqua basic, you will receive the matching glass carafe with a capacity of 1.0 litre. The glass carafe is extremely convenient to fill and easy to clean. The glass carafe has a close-up seal with a sophisticated tilting mechanism that opens automatically when pouring and closes when set down.

Place the water on the Rayo®-Aqua for at least 7 minutes. We recommend drinking the energised water within one day.

We would like to point out that boiling or hot water is not suitable for energising with a Rayo®-Aqua. From an energetic point of view, the temperature of the water or tea should be lukewarm or room temperature and should not exceed 42 °C.

We would like to point out that boiling or hot water is not suitable for energising with a Rayo®-Aqua. From an energetic point of view, the temperature of the water or tea should be lukewarm or room temperature and should not exceed 42 °C.

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