Based on the world-renowned principles of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, the Mini-Rayonex is a proven companion for anyone interested in a healthy lifestyle. Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt is based on the idea that frequencies can be used to stimulate the organism’s self-regulation. When sunlight reaches our skin, the ultraviolet component induces the production of melanin and vitamin D. Much like the frequency spectrumFrequency spectra refer to combinations of fundamental frequency values that are not applied to the organism one at a time, but as a whole - as a frequency pattern. The... of sunlight, numerous other frequencyThe frequency describes the number of oscillations per second and is given in the unit Hertz (Hz). An oscillation passes through various points: The starting point, the maximum point, the... spectra also exert an effect on the organism. During decades of research, we have recorded over 3,600 frequency spectra for use in energetic analysis and treatment. It has also been shown that the fundamental frequency value of 12,50 can have a positive influence on cellular processes. This has been shown repeatedly in cell biology studies.
The fundamental frequency value 12,50 is therefore one of the most important fundamental frequency valuesIn Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, fundamental frequency values are used as single frequencies. They are assigned to organs, pathogens or diseases and can be adjusted, energetically tested and harmonised... in Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. The Mini-Rayonex is designed to give the body the opportunity to be stimulated at this fundamental frequency value for as long as possible. The fundamental frequency value 12,50 was integrated into the portable biofield formerBiofield formers create a biofield in which the organism can regulate itself despite the presence of geological disturbances. Biofield formers are designed to be bipolar in order to cope with... via a dipole antenna systemThe dipole antenna system of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt consists of a fixed and a moving rod layer. Depending on the angle that is chosen between the two rod.... Weighing just 120 g, the compact Mini-Rayonex fits in any pocket, making it easy to wear day or night. This popular all-day accessory has an attractive design, is resistant to temperature fluctuations and moisture and is easy to clean. The Mini-Rayonex operates without a power supply and is always ready to use. There is no need to charge or change the batteries. The organism is not exposed to electrosmogElectrosmog, also known as electromagnetic radiation, refers to the non-ionising radiation generated by electrical and electronic devices and wireless communication technologies. These include high-voltage power lines, mobile phone masts, WLAN,.... The robust Mini-Rayonex also delivers in terms of sustainability.